As I write this, on December 24th, there is only one more day until the most important day on the year, yes, tomorrow is THE DOCTOR WHO CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!!!!
I adore Matt Smith, just as much as I adored David Tennant, Matt brings a sense of childish wonder to the role. If some of you Whovians are still having issues adjusting to Matt, I find it best to consider it like this: whenever a new Doctor comes along, just consider it the starting of a brand new show, and not a continuation.
Anyway, this is basically Doctor Who's version of the classic Dickens tale 'A Christmas Carol', with Michael Gambon playing the Scrooge character named 'Elliot Sardick' The Doctor must 'save the soul' of Elliot to rescue Amy and Rory (who I presume are on their honeymoon) from certain death, as they are stuck in a spaceship abut to crash. That's all I know, and it doesn't make much sense. But we'll still love it. As this is a Christmas episode, remember it's more than likely going to be very very cheesy (Voyage of the Damned anyone?).
Anyway, supposedly there's also a Christian holiday called Christmas tomorrow, I suppose it must have been invented to honour the Doctor Who Christmas Special. What are you getting for DWCS Day? Tell me what you're getting and what you want! And Merry Doctor Who Christmas Special to everybody!
Over and out!
Friday, December 24, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
A Strongly Worded Retort Against The Most Heinous Actionts Of Messrs Doyle & Breen
I point you in the vicinity of a certain video, by Milky Millie.
Now, my audience, Millie agreed to a competition at the end, for a pack of skittles. To the person who could name the song from which the lyrics "Hover-skates are not the same as running at the speed of sound" and what do the lyrics refer to?, and I, like any good nerd, instantly knew the answer and posted my official comment reply.
You may remember Paul, Paul left his own reply before me, however it was unfinished on both counts (and also, may I add, sloppily worded), yet Paul has officially won the competition. "But how?" you must be asking yourself? The answer lies in what I believe to be a corrupt and disgusting scheme by Paul and Millie to rig the contest. Paul allegedly gave Millie the answer in Facebook chat, and so won the competition, yet there is no proof to display of this answer. I smell a rat, and yet there is nothing I can do. I have been played, and have come out worse for wear, and without a skittle in sight.
What do you make of this cruel injustice my readers? Make your opinion clear, and boycott these vile vloggers from your subscription lists.
Over and Out.
(p.s. this has been a satire, Millie and Paul are both excellent vloggers and you should really check them out!)
Now, my audience, Millie agreed to a competition at the end, for a pack of skittles. To the person who could name the song from which the lyrics "Hover-skates are not the same as running at the speed of sound" and what do the lyrics refer to?, and I, like any good nerd, instantly knew the answer and posted my official comment reply.
You may remember Paul, Paul left his own reply before me, however it was unfinished on both counts (and also, may I add, sloppily worded), yet Paul has officially won the competition. "But how?" you must be asking yourself? The answer lies in what I believe to be a corrupt and disgusting scheme by Paul and Millie to rig the contest. Paul allegedly gave Millie the answer in Facebook chat, and so won the competition, yet there is no proof to display of this answer. I smell a rat, and yet there is nothing I can do. I have been played, and have come out worse for wear, and without a skittle in sight.
What do you make of this cruel injustice my readers? Make your opinion clear, and boycott these vile vloggers from your subscription lists.
Over and Out.
(p.s. this has been a satire, Millie and Paul are both excellent vloggers and you should really check them out!)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Christ This is Not My Week...
I've returned!
After my lengthy hiatus (6 days? Wow...) I'm still not exactly feeling tip-top...
Let us start this tale at the end, I now have tonsillitis. I can swallow no more than soup and my several medications (penicillin, nurofen, merocaine and medijel), and it's incredibly difficult not to drown in my own spittle when sleeping. Therefore my mood is currently hungry, tired, drugged up and in pain.
All this has occurred in the week in which I have my Christmas exams, needless to say, an English exam is difficult to sit on a Monday morning, even more so when you haven't slept the night before, and have to recoil in pain every time you need to swallow. None the less I think it went quite well, as did my Irish, Construction, DCG, and Physics exams. I actually may have managed a perfect score in DCG and Physics, something to comfort me as I sit here, angry at my soup (as usual it's tomato).
I've somewhat recovered from my sudden relationship termination last Friday, though I won't force you to listen to the gory details...
Hopefully I'll return to my usual blogging schedule now (i.e. completely randomly), I'll be offering my view on the new Arkham City trailer soon enough (it's epic)... But for now I must leave you to go to Taekwon-Do (Yes, I'm also a martial artist, its awesome). Until next time my audience...
Over and out.
After my lengthy hiatus (6 days? Wow...) I'm still not exactly feeling tip-top...
Let us start this tale at the end, I now have tonsillitis. I can swallow no more than soup and my several medications (penicillin, nurofen, merocaine and medijel), and it's incredibly difficult not to drown in my own spittle when sleeping. Therefore my mood is currently hungry, tired, drugged up and in pain.
All this has occurred in the week in which I have my Christmas exams, needless to say, an English exam is difficult to sit on a Monday morning, even more so when you haven't slept the night before, and have to recoil in pain every time you need to swallow. None the less I think it went quite well, as did my Irish, Construction, DCG, and Physics exams. I actually may have managed a perfect score in DCG and Physics, something to comfort me as I sit here, angry at my soup (as usual it's tomato).
I've somewhat recovered from my sudden relationship termination last Friday, though I won't force you to listen to the gory details...
Hopefully I'll return to my usual blogging schedule now (i.e. completely randomly), I'll be offering my view on the new Arkham City trailer soon enough (it's epic)... But for now I must leave you to go to Taekwon-Do (Yes, I'm also a martial artist, its awesome). Until next time my audience...
Over and out.
Friday, December 10, 2010
Yeah, erm, well to put it plainly I just got dumped.
And it hurts, really badly.
So I'm taking a few days away from blogging until I get myself in working order again, unless I get some sudden and drastic inspiration...
Until then, my audience...
Over and out.
And it hurts, really badly.
So I'm taking a few days away from blogging until I get myself in working order again, unless I get some sudden and drastic inspiration...
Until then, my audience...
Over and out.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Ooh look I'm Complaining...
Stupid YouTube...
As it turns out, once you've chosen your username, you can never change it. Ever.
The only way to do so is to delete your entire account and start afresh.
I just encountered this problem about 5 minutes ago (to me, not you, unless you're The Doctor, in which case I LOVE YOU!), anyway back to reality, I thought it would be a good idea to change my YouTube account name for 3 reasons.
So, I make the difficult decision to delete my old account, with all my comments, my subscriptions, my all, and start a new one. And voila! Here it is: ACarnivalOfSorts. Pretty barren aye? I'll try catch up with all my old subscriptions and friends again, but I can't make any promises... And who knows, there may be a vlog in the works if I ever get a camera....
Over and out.
As it turns out, once you've chosen your username, you can never change it. Ever.
The only way to do so is to delete your entire account and start afresh.
I just encountered this problem about 5 minutes ago (to me, not you, unless you're The Doctor, in which case I LOVE YOU!), anyway back to reality, I thought it would be a good idea to change my YouTube account name for 3 reasons.
- The name (Turkeyjekey) was from an old joke among friends, which I cannot remember anymore.
- The name was actually meant to be TurkeyJerkey (alas, I didn't notice until too late)
- I thought it would be a good idea to start using a universal name for all my online travails. (ACarnivalOfSorts, or variations thereof)
So, I make the difficult decision to delete my old account, with all my comments, my subscriptions, my all, and start a new one. And voila! Here it is: ACarnivalOfSorts. Pretty barren aye? I'll try catch up with all my old subscriptions and friends again, but I can't make any promises... And who knows, there may be a vlog in the works if I ever get a camera....
Over and out.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
To the Irish!
It turns out that, including me, many of my group of friends are making their first forays into the blogging universe, either now or just a couple of months ago...
It raises a topic that was discussed the other day by my friend Paul in his vlog ( Check it out here, its awesome). Irish peoples on the blogo/vlogo-sphere (try saying that five times fast), are you out there? We'd like a bit more noise from you!
The Irish conscience though, being what it is, is not always partial to share how it feels with the wider world. Encounter an Irish person and ask how they are, even your best friend will, 99 percent of the time, only use the word "grand". It's just what we do. As a nation, most families are no more than two generations from the farm, and that means kids are still raised with the 'Keep your head down and stay quiet' mentality. The current crop of teenagers though is freeing itself of those shackles, and has taken it's first few steps into the global community.
So if you are an Irish blogger out there, don't be afraid! Your people are joining you. If you ain't Irish, but still reading this, then hear us. We have arrived. And we brought the Guinness.
A couple of links to my friends out there :
Paul's blog and vlog (again)
Hannah's blog (The best pure writer among us)
Chris' blog
David's blog (If it ever gets updated again)
Millie's vlog
Over and out.
It raises a topic that was discussed the other day by my friend Paul in his vlog ( Check it out here, its awesome). Irish peoples on the blogo/vlogo-sphere (try saying that five times fast), are you out there? We'd like a bit more noise from you!
The Irish conscience though, being what it is, is not always partial to share how it feels with the wider world. Encounter an Irish person and ask how they are, even your best friend will, 99 percent of the time, only use the word "grand". It's just what we do. As a nation, most families are no more than two generations from the farm, and that means kids are still raised with the 'Keep your head down and stay quiet' mentality. The current crop of teenagers though is freeing itself of those shackles, and has taken it's first few steps into the global community.
So if you are an Irish blogger out there, don't be afraid! Your people are joining you. If you ain't Irish, but still reading this, then hear us. We have arrived. And we brought the Guinness.
A couple of links to my friends out there :
Paul's blog and vlog (again)
Hannah's blog (The best pure writer among us)
Chris' blog
David's blog (If it ever gets updated again)
Millie's vlog
Over and out.
Monday, December 6, 2010
Day 9 In The House: Snow Madness Amongst The Housemates...
The snow has still not departed, it was on the way today, and should have been gone tomorrow, but today Met Eireann (Irish weather service, for those my non-Irish audience) announced it will snow again tonight.
I haven't seen my girlfriend in 10 days now, and that's likely going to extend to 13 days at least. We missed our 2 month anniversary today, and she will not allow me to walk the 20 or so miles to her house, for fear of killing myself on the ice...
Needless to say, I'm very annoyed, very bored, and very cold.
I actually NEED to go to school, and be told to do something... My sanity is teetering over the edge without a purpose to fulfill.
I may not last much longer.
Over and out.
I haven't seen my girlfriend in 10 days now, and that's likely going to extend to 13 days at least. We missed our 2 month anniversary today, and she will not allow me to walk the 20 or so miles to her house, for fear of killing myself on the ice...
Needless to say, I'm very annoyed, very bored, and very cold.
I actually NEED to go to school, and be told to do something... My sanity is teetering over the edge without a purpose to fulfill.
I may not last much longer.
Over and out.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
It Certainly Affected My Mass...
Yes I'm a gamer, but that doesn't mean I'm up to date on games...
I operate roughly 1-2 years behind everyone else, why? Cause it's bloody cheap...
Recently I finished Mirrors Edge, a really fun freerunning game from 3 years ago, with minimal fighting time and a slight hint of cyberpunk... I recommend it to anyone starting out in games, or anyone who loved the first Assassins Creed for the simple joy of running around rooftops.
But at the moment I'm playing Mass Effect 2, following up from finishing the first game during the summer.
It. Is. AMAZING. This is on par with Star Wars as a Space Epic, the cut scenes alone could make a good movie. And the voice cast? IT HAS KEITH DAVID! Mass Effect 1 was the best game I ever played, I'm only halfway through 2 and I'm already convinced that this is better. Except for one small thing.
What the hell were they thinking with bringing in ammo clips?! One of the best things from the first game was the lack of an ammo clip, they even gave a perfectly good scientific background for being able to have unlimited ammo. The overheating system worked fine. But they changed it. And now its annoying as hell.
But anyway, just one bad thing in an entire (2 disc) game ain't bad... If you haven't played this yet, do. Because this is not a game, this is an experience.
Over and out.
I operate roughly 1-2 years behind everyone else, why? Cause it's bloody cheap...
Recently I finished Mirrors Edge, a really fun freerunning game from 3 years ago, with minimal fighting time and a slight hint of cyberpunk... I recommend it to anyone starting out in games, or anyone who loved the first Assassins Creed for the simple joy of running around rooftops.
But at the moment I'm playing Mass Effect 2, following up from finishing the first game during the summer.
It. Is. AMAZING. This is on par with Star Wars as a Space Epic, the cut scenes alone could make a good movie. And the voice cast? IT HAS KEITH DAVID! Mass Effect 1 was the best game I ever played, I'm only halfway through 2 and I'm already convinced that this is better. Except for one small thing.
What the hell were they thinking with bringing in ammo clips?! One of the best things from the first game was the lack of an ammo clip, they even gave a perfectly good scientific background for being able to have unlimited ammo. The overheating system worked fine. But they changed it. And now its annoying as hell.
But anyway, just one bad thing in an entire (2 disc) game ain't bad... If you haven't played this yet, do. Because this is not a game, this is an experience.
Over and out.
Of Powder and Partnerships...
Oh I am so fed up of this snow by now...
It's been exactly a week to the hour since it started snowing, and it hasn't budged since...
Sure, say you my wonderful audience, you're glad to have no school? No tests? No homework?
And I reply yes, but there is only so much a man can take...
In 7 days I've
But surely by then Ricky Ponting will have brought in their wicket taking hero from the First Test; the spin-maestro Marcus North (someone should invent a sarcasm font...), we shall see, as long as I keep my coffee reserves full...
Over and out...
It's been exactly a week to the hour since it started snowing, and it hasn't budged since...
Sure, say you my wonderful audience, you're glad to have no school? No tests? No homework?
And I reply yes, but there is only so much a man can take...
In 7 days I've
- Been outside 5 times
- Spent roughly 13 hours a day attached to a screen of some sort
- Have seen 2 friends
- Have seen my girlfriend 0 times
- and have been given out to by my mother on an uncountable number of occasions...
But surely by then Ricky Ponting will have brought in their wicket taking hero from the First Test; the spin-maestro Marcus North (someone should invent a sarcasm font...), we shall see, as long as I keep my coffee reserves full...
Over and out...
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Kids show? Fuck no!
Young Justice premiered on Cartoon Network the other day.
Only one word describes it : FUCKAWESOME!
It doesn't mater if this is advertised as an animated children's show. DC don't make kids shows, they just make amazing watching. If you remember from your childhood, Justice League, Batman The Animated Series, Batman Beyond, Static Shock, Teen Titans. But the one that really stood out was Justice League Unlimited. Why? Because it had so many characters, and it utilised them all fantastically. It had a sense of scale that most shows lack. But Young Justice looks like they've mashed together Justice League, Batman Beyond, and Teen Titans to produce an orgasm of amazingness.
The characters are really well done, dialogue feels natural to them and the plot drove along at a fantastic rate, I won't give away any spoilers though, you'll have to watch it for yourself.
The Crowning Moment of Awesome (warning: TV Tropes link! You may become lost forever) was when the League entered, all as one, and I just felt shivers going down my spine... But you'll have to see that for yourself.
Whether you're a comic book nerd or not, you need to watch this right now.
Over and out.
Only one word describes it : FUCKAWESOME!
It doesn't mater if this is advertised as an animated children's show. DC don't make kids shows, they just make amazing watching. If you remember from your childhood, Justice League, Batman The Animated Series, Batman Beyond, Static Shock, Teen Titans. But the one that really stood out was Justice League Unlimited. Why? Because it had so many characters, and it utilised them all fantastically. It had a sense of scale that most shows lack. But Young Justice looks like they've mashed together Justice League, Batman Beyond, and Teen Titans to produce an orgasm of amazingness.
The characters are really well done, dialogue feels natural to them and the plot drove along at a fantastic rate, I won't give away any spoilers though, you'll have to watch it for yourself.
The Crowning Moment of Awesome (warning: TV Tropes link! You may become lost forever) was when the League entered, all as one, and I just felt shivers going down my spine... But you'll have to see that for yourself.
Whether you're a comic book nerd or not, you need to watch this right now.
Over and out.
Monday, November 29, 2010
A Curse in Monochrome Disguise?
Saturday Morning: 7am. I woke up to find everything outside covered in a blanket of glorious snow, it made me happy, even more so when I realised I wouldn't have to go to work. So, after a moment of elation I went back to bed.
Saturday Evening: It doesn't look like the snow is leaving, the roads are lethally dangerous, and I remain cautiously optimistic that there will be no school on Monday, and hence I won't have to sit my impending exams that I haven't studied for...
Sunday Afternoon: The snow remains, even without the official word, Ive given up on even trying to study for exams. Soon after, the glorious notification arrives and Facebook practically explodes with joy at the news...
Monday Morning, 5am: I've stayed up to watch the last days play of the first Ashes Test, which you probably don't want to hear about...
Monday Evening: More snow, more good news, no school on Tuesday, which means more missed exams! This weekend gets better as it gets longer.... But I'm never going to be able to concentrate on studying for those tests now. Curse that fun fun snow...
Over and out
Saturday Evening: It doesn't look like the snow is leaving, the roads are lethally dangerous, and I remain cautiously optimistic that there will be no school on Monday, and hence I won't have to sit my impending exams that I haven't studied for...
Sunday Afternoon: The snow remains, even without the official word, Ive given up on even trying to study for exams. Soon after, the glorious notification arrives and Facebook practically explodes with joy at the news...
Monday Morning, 5am: I've stayed up to watch the last days play of the first Ashes Test, which you probably don't want to hear about...
Monday Evening: More snow, more good news, no school on Tuesday, which means more missed exams! This weekend gets better as it gets longer.... But I'm never going to be able to concentrate on studying for those tests now. Curse that fun fun snow...
Over and out
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Of queries and moustaches...
I'm extremely tempted to write some reviews of play from The Ashes, but for some reason I don't think I'll have much of an audience for it... Do I have any cricket loving followers? Speak out people!
In relation to the Ashes however, it was a fantastic sight on the first days play to see the assortment of moustaches on display, something that is tragically missing from modern sport. Kevin Pietersen and Mitchel Johnson are competing for best lip fuzz, with Doug Bollinger and Peter Siddle lagging behind. But none shall ever beat the epic handlebar of former-Australian bowler Merv Hughes:
Over and out.
In relation to the Ashes however, it was a fantastic sight on the first days play to see the assortment of moustaches on display, something that is tragically missing from modern sport. Kevin Pietersen and Mitchel Johnson are competing for best lip fuzz, with Doug Bollinger and Peter Siddle lagging behind. But none shall ever beat the epic handlebar of former-Australian bowler Merv Hughes:
![]() | |
We salute you sir. |
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Glory Glory
To any Arsenal fan who hapens to read this... TWO-NIL AND YOU FUCKED IT UP! :D
As you may have guessed Im a Spurs fan, and took great pleasure in watching todays 3-2 result...
The Spurs Went Marching In :P
Over and out.
As you may have guessed Im a Spurs fan, and took great pleasure in watching todays 3-2 result...
The Spurs Went Marching In :P
Over and out.
Friday, November 19, 2010
Blur + Springsteen = MGMT? O.o
Just fiddling around with my guitar (Squier Telecaster for those of you who don't know me), and have discovered that Kids by MGMT is just an amalgamation of the melody from Tender by Blur, and the chorus of Bruce Springsteen's Radio Nowhere...
Who'd a thunk it?
Over and out.
Who'd a thunk it?
Over and out.
In Blackest Night...
The official Green Lantern trailer has been released, and there's not much it does really... The villains have been known for a good while now, and there's no major spoilers for anyone who doesn't know their Green Lantern mythos (BTW if you don't, you should read up)
I expect great things from this movie, Warner Bros. finally brought the darker image of Batman to the public eye, I'm hoping they can bring Green Lantern to a new level, but first, some analysis...
The CGI looks a bit gammy, but they'll clean it up a bit before cinematic release (much like the first Spiderman), remember, this is going to be a 3D flick as well so it's gonna look a whole lot different from behind those glasses.
The scenes on Oa (this is why you should have read up) truly look epic, one thing this movie needs to accomplish is a sense of scale, this is an intergalactic setting, and it needs to feel like it. The images of various Lanterns rising up really is awe inspiring...
On to the suit. Specifically the mask. It just doesn't quite look right, somethings very...wrong... about it, as if its been painted on, again though this could get cleaned up by release time so we'll have to see. The suit itself looks great, with the green vein effect adding a new spark to the classic design.
We've yet to see Ryan Reynolds in a serious role (apart from a certain appearance as Deadpool which will not be spoken of here), it'll be interesting to see how he performs, but I look forward to the lightheartedness he'll bring to the role, and of course, he is one of us...
But then again, never ever trust a trailer... Remember the trailer for Jonah Hex? That actually looked decent, then the movie came out... I trust Warner Brothers to do a good job on this though, they know themselves they have to produce a viable franchise, as their guaranteed Harry Potter blockbusters end next year, and the Dark Knight Saga ends 2012. I can see a lot more DC movies getting made, Superman is being cast and hopefully there'll be a Flash movie soon, leading into a unifying Justice League epic to end all epics... Hopefully...
On a finishing note, its it just me or do they use the same smoke effect (but green), as The Dark Knight for the backgrounds? Shoddy WB... shoddy...
Over and out.
I expect great things from this movie, Warner Bros. finally brought the darker image of Batman to the public eye, I'm hoping they can bring Green Lantern to a new level, but first, some analysis...
The CGI looks a bit gammy, but they'll clean it up a bit before cinematic release (much like the first Spiderman), remember, this is going to be a 3D flick as well so it's gonna look a whole lot different from behind those glasses.
The scenes on Oa (this is why you should have read up) truly look epic, one thing this movie needs to accomplish is a sense of scale, this is an intergalactic setting, and it needs to feel like it. The images of various Lanterns rising up really is awe inspiring...
On to the suit. Specifically the mask. It just doesn't quite look right, somethings very...wrong... about it, as if its been painted on, again though this could get cleaned up by release time so we'll have to see. The suit itself looks great, with the green vein effect adding a new spark to the classic design.
We've yet to see Ryan Reynolds in a serious role (apart from a certain appearance as Deadpool which will not be spoken of here), it'll be interesting to see how he performs, but I look forward to the lightheartedness he'll bring to the role, and of course, he is one of us...
But then again, never ever trust a trailer... Remember the trailer for Jonah Hex? That actually looked decent, then the movie came out... I trust Warner Brothers to do a good job on this though, they know themselves they have to produce a viable franchise, as their guaranteed Harry Potter blockbusters end next year, and the Dark Knight Saga ends 2012. I can see a lot more DC movies getting made, Superman is being cast and hopefully there'll be a Flash movie soon, leading into a unifying Justice League epic to end all epics... Hopefully...
On a finishing note, its it just me or do they use the same smoke effect (but green), as The Dark Knight for the backgrounds? Shoddy WB... shoddy...
Over and out.
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Day One
So, I've actually got some followers on this thing? That was unexpected...
Anyway, on to matters.
As you should know by now, the finale to the Dark Knight Saga has been titled The Dark Knight Rises, as of yet, I'm undecided on whether I like it or not.
The more important news however is that auditions and interviews are being held for two female leads.
One is presumed to be a love interest, the other an antagonist... No word yet though on whether this antagonist is one of Batman's rogues. Remember that in these Nolan films, everything is pretty gritty and down to earth, so that probably discounts Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn is more than likely out, (as she's a bit of a flat character without The Joker to play off of.)
So that pretty much leaves either Catwoman (my preferred choice if done well), and Talia al Ghul (Daughter of R'has, could possibly be out to avenge her father).
The other option is to have a female Police Detective leading the search for Batman (Remember, at the end of The Dark Knight Batman is a wanted man), this, I think, is unlikely though, as they'll want Gary Oldman to have plenty of screen time as Commisioner Gordon...
The really big news is the list of actresses they've announced so far. Prepare yourselves:
To hopefully start an interesting comment fight, who do you think should be the main villain (and possibly side villain) for Dark Knight Rises? Personally I'm hoping for Black Mask to sweep in and control the gangs, which are in a bit of chaos right now, and have Deadshot as his hitman... Would you prefer The Riddler? Penguin? Maybe a reality-checked Killer Croc? Voice your opinions my dear readers.
Over and Out.
Anyway, on to matters.
As you should know by now, the finale to the Dark Knight Saga has been titled The Dark Knight Rises, as of yet, I'm undecided on whether I like it or not.
The more important news however is that auditions and interviews are being held for two female leads.
One is presumed to be a love interest, the other an antagonist... No word yet though on whether this antagonist is one of Batman's rogues. Remember that in these Nolan films, everything is pretty gritty and down to earth, so that probably discounts Poison Ivy, Harley Quinn is more than likely out, (as she's a bit of a flat character without The Joker to play off of.)
So that pretty much leaves either Catwoman (my preferred choice if done well), and Talia al Ghul (Daughter of R'has, could possibly be out to avenge her father).
The other option is to have a female Police Detective leading the search for Batman (Remember, at the end of The Dark Knight Batman is a wanted man), this, I think, is unlikely though, as they'll want Gary Oldman to have plenty of screen time as Commisioner Gordon...
The really big news is the list of actresses they've announced so far. Prepare yourselves:
- Kiera Knightly
- Natelie Portman
- Anne Hathaway
- Rachel Weisz
- Blake Lively
- Naomi Watts
To hopefully start an interesting comment fight, who do you think should be the main villain (and possibly side villain) for Dark Knight Rises? Personally I'm hoping for Black Mask to sweep in and control the gangs, which are in a bit of chaos right now, and have Deadshot as his hitman... Would you prefer The Riddler? Penguin? Maybe a reality-checked Killer Croc? Voice your opinions my dear readers.
Over and Out.
Ooohh Shiny...
So this is the world of blogging...
Everything seems fresh and new, and I know I can post anything I want right now because no one reads a first blog.
However, on the off chance that I actually become quite good at this and gain many subscribers, someone may decide to trawl through the archives, so, to you, the dedicated follower, I say well done.
If you're here on my blog for the first time, posts will be spontaneous, on an irregular timetable, and often about musings on Batman.
Now if you excuse me I have to go wait desperatley for subscribers.
Over and out.
Everything seems fresh and new, and I know I can post anything I want right now because no one reads a first blog.
However, on the off chance that I actually become quite good at this and gain many subscribers, someone may decide to trawl through the archives, so, to you, the dedicated follower, I say well done.
If you're here on my blog for the first time, posts will be spontaneous, on an irregular timetable, and often about musings on Batman.
Now if you excuse me I have to go wait desperatley for subscribers.
Over and out.
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