As I write this, on December 24th, there is only one more day until the most important day on the year, yes, tomorrow is THE DOCTOR WHO CHRISTMAS SPECIAL!!!!
I adore Matt Smith, just as much as I adored David Tennant, Matt brings a sense of childish wonder to the role. If some of you Whovians are still having issues adjusting to Matt, I find it best to consider it like this: whenever a new Doctor comes along, just consider it the starting of a brand new show, and not a continuation.
Anyway, this is basically Doctor Who's version of the classic Dickens tale 'A Christmas Carol', with Michael Gambon playing the Scrooge character named 'Elliot Sardick' The Doctor must 'save the soul' of Elliot to rescue Amy and Rory (who I presume are on their honeymoon) from certain death, as they are stuck in a spaceship abut to crash. That's all I know, and it doesn't make much sense. But we'll still love it. As this is a Christmas episode, remember it's more than likely going to be very very cheesy (Voyage of the Damned anyone?).
Anyway, supposedly there's also a Christian holiday called Christmas tomorrow, I suppose it must have been invented to honour the Doctor Who Christmas Special. What are you getting for DWCS Day? Tell me what you're getting and what you want! And Merry Doctor Who Christmas Special to everybody!
Over and out!
I want... a tardis... and a puppy sized elephant...
ReplyDeleteOh, and a human sized hamster ball... In fact forget the tardis and the elephant, just the hamster ball.
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