I've returned!
After my lengthy hiatus (6 days? Wow...) I'm still not exactly feeling tip-top...
Let us start this tale at the end, I now have tonsillitis. I can swallow no more than soup and my several medications (penicillin, nurofen, merocaine and medijel), and it's incredibly difficult not to drown in my own spittle when sleeping. Therefore my mood is currently hungry, tired, drugged up and in pain.
All this has occurred in the week in which I have my Christmas exams, needless to say, an English exam is difficult to sit on a Monday morning, even more so when you haven't slept the night before, and have to recoil in pain every time you need to swallow. None the less I think it went quite well, as did my Irish, Construction, DCG, and Physics exams. I actually may have managed a perfect score in DCG and Physics, something to comfort me as I sit here, angry at my soup (as usual it's tomato).
I've somewhat recovered from my sudden relationship termination last Friday, though I won't force you to listen to the gory details...
Hopefully I'll return to my usual blogging schedule now (i.e. completely randomly), I'll be offering my view on the new Arkham City trailer soon enough (it's epic)... But for now I must leave you to go to Taekwon-Do (Yes, I'm also a martial artist, its awesome). Until next time my audience...
Over and out.
not even a little gory deatil? =(
ReplyDeleteWhy dae you just get tonsils out?
ReplyDeleteApparently it's only my right tonsil... :L
ReplyDeleteAw, sad face :( I HELPED :D with B & J :)
ReplyDeleteGet them both out anyway, 'cause you know that the other one's just gonna sneak up on you one day and try you.