Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 9 In The House: Snow Madness Amongst The Housemates...

The snow has still not departed, it was on the way today, and should have been gone tomorrow, but today Met Eireann (Irish weather service, for those my non-Irish audience) announced it will snow again tonight.

I haven't seen my girlfriend in 10 days now, and that's likely going to extend to 13 days at least. We missed our 2 month anniversary today, and she will not allow me to walk the 20 or so miles to her house, for fear of killing myself on the ice...

Needless to say, I'm very annoyed, very bored, and very cold.
I actually NEED to go to school, and be told to do something... My sanity is teetering over the edge without a purpose to fulfill.

I may not last much longer.

Over and out.